Demon Wipeout
By Aiden Carpenter
Harry is a bomb maker. Every day he usually crafts six dynamites, two grenades, and one special bomb he made up called Crusher, it explodes and releases three more bombs that also release three more bombs.
One day Harry was spending time at the arch. He heard the strangest sound ever. It sounded like it was… was… it was a flying saucer! The spacecraft was circled by five smaller flying saucers.
A booming voice called out “Citizens of St.Louis, we do not come in peace. Please welcome us.”
Harry was sure this was bad news! Again the booming voice called out “We are here to destroy the earth.”
Harry called to his friend, “Get me a jet, a knife, and a gun.”
His friend grabbed all Harry wanted and Harry took off in the jet with his license to fly jets. When Harry got there he busted the door open of the Mother ship.
“Where are you pesky demons?” he bellowed!
Harry found some demons and busted their heads off with the shotgun he was holding.
Harry found the room with the leader. He sliced a head off the demon but two more grew in place! Harry ran down the hall attracting more and more demons. The lead demon blew fire as they ran, with one final stride Harry leaped into the jet and barely escaped the fire.
By the time he reached the ground, Harry instructed everyone to grab a grenade launcher. Everyone launched the grenades, they came raining down on the engines and as soon as they hit; BOING! The grenades bounced harmlessly off the ship raining down on the arch.
“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!” Cried lots of people screaming that loved the arch.
“I’m going to take five sticks of dynamite” Harry cried and ran into his jet.
He flew up to the mother ship, lit the sticks of dynamite, and threw them into the door of the mother ship.
Five seconds of awesomeness endured Harry. Everyone cheering (of course not the demons) cheering, cheering more and more then BOOM!!!!!!!! The entire ship shook with the force of five dynamites, and a secret crusher shook the ship so violently you could see it moving. Then, it exploded like the biggest firework in history!
At the end of the fight a party was thrown. All the citizens of St.Louis were there with a giant barbeque. The entire city was filled with the aroma of smoking ribs.