Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anthology Group

Me, my friends, my sister, and my dad are doing an anthology. It's fun, my dad is a writer so he teaches us. We have made a little anthology (Not published yet) called, Dangerous Cute Creatures. We do lots of exercises to get a writing mind.
 The short story i made for the anthology is, Midnight Bunny Attack, and the bunny's are NOT cuddly. Right now we have done a little break because the months are getting REALLY crazy! We have entered into a writing contest, it seems fun; i don't care even if i win it's just cool i entered in. Last time we had an anthology i think it was, 03/03/2011. and when I'm writing this it is, 05/12/2011, well i think it is that. The anthology has been a great experience.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Gamestarmechanic is the coolest game on the computer yet! It has cool blocks and enemies to mess around with. The best part, is premium membership, it causes the quests to come out faster, AND you get MORE blocks and enemies. I have a goal to finish on gamestarmechanic. I'm trying to get one of my games (not my featured game) on the front page in the top rated section.
I'm trying to achieve my goal by, Step 1 rate and comment on other peoples games. Step 2, make an awesome game. Step 3, rate and comment on more games. by this long i finished it.
I'm making a game called, Herkins Pass. I think it's a game to be cool enough to get on the front page. My account is, acarpenter102. I've entered into a contest, the contest is supposed to raise awareness about something that is happening in the world. I would say I'm the fourth most successful in gamestarmechanic. (This is in my opinion.) :)